If you are on the lookout for durable patio furniture, you have probably stumbled across a variety of different types of poly lumber. Because of its durability and weather resistance, poly lumber material is certainly popular for outdoor furniture, as it does not rot or splinter the way that real wood might if left out in the elements for long periods of time.

But what are the different types of poly lumber used for outdoor furniture? Furthermore, you might be wondering how different types of poly lumber hold up in different environments. With that in mind, here are some of our insights into popular poly lumber materials:
Wood Plastic Composite (WPC):
WPC, also known as Wood Plastic Composite, is a composite material consisting of wood fiber and a thermoplastic (PE, PP or PVC most commonly). The combination of wood and plastic brings Pros and Cons associated with both materials to the final product. WPC is commonly used in decking and not often used in the manufacture of outdoor furniture. Due to the composite nature of the material, end-of-life recycling can be difficult with this material.
High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE):
High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) is a material used in the construction of all-weather outdoor furniture. It features a natural resistance to water and durability which makes it a popular choice for this application. Notably, HDPE features a smooth, waxy hand-feel with an orange-peel like texture. Some consumers do seem to like this aesthetic, but we feel that a majority are simply not aware of a better option being available. Most poly-furniture items on the market today are made of HDPE.
Here at PolyTEAK, our goal is to reinvent the way outdoor furniture can look and feel. Our unique, tree-free PolyTEAK poly lumber is a material that we’ve worked with extensively for over fifteen years. It features the same characteristics that make HDPE a popular choice in all-weather outdoor furniture (natural water resistance and durability). However, in addition, PolyTEAK material simulates the natural texture and appearance of real wood. In short, our products offer the same benefits of other weather-resistant furniture material but with the timeless beauty of real wood. With PolyTEAK, you never have to compromise beauty for durability.
Want to learn more about different types of poly lumber and the benefits of PolyTEAK outdoor furniture? Reach out to us directly by calling (949) 316-0010 or emailing support@polyteakoutdoor.com. We’re happy to help!